The Financial Minds
2 min readJan 18, 2021

It is now but common knowledge that many lives have been affected by the coronavirus. This pandemic has brought various economies to their knees and made a great impact on the financial stabilities of many people worldwide. The virus’s death toll was not the only thing that came into rise but also job loss, bankruptcy, and closure to a lot of small and even big businesses. Market crash has been an imminent danger to the whole world as life has seemed to pause.

One may think and maybe feel that there is little to no chance of recovery. Definitely, “going back to normal” is no longer a statement to look forward to. The normal we know then has now passed and it’s time we embrace the “new normal”. How does this differ from the “old normal”? The new normal, as The Financial Minds sees it, is resiliency, adaptation to change, and making the most out of what the world could now offer.

Indeed, many people were brought to their knees facing this challenging time, and yet, surprisingly many have thrived and somehow made multitudes of difference in their lives, regardless. This comes to prove that no challenge, even the pandemic, could bring a man down if a man is strong enough to face it and work around it. Nations are in lockdown but peoples’ lives go on. Many businesses thrived and have grown because they know how to adapt and take advantage of opportunities.

Opportunities are never scarce. They are everywhere as long as you know where to look.

That being said, TFM is here to provide opportunities to people who have the talents, skills, and capabilities to make great things. TFM is designed to provide financial literacy, income opportunities, and create successful leaders, investors, traders, and entrepreneurs. To start off the TFM advocacy, TFM is here to seek young aspiring entrepreneurs who are willing to undergo personal development and entrepreneurship training and get the chance to acquire funding to start a small business and make a difference. Yes, funding is one of TFM’s missions on helping deserving candidates.

If you are interested to take part in this amazing and one-time opportunity, click on the link below to sign-up and to learn more about the people behind the TFM START-UP PROGRAM.

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The Financial Minds

Finance, Entrepreneurship and Personal Development